Monday, 12 December 2016

Book Review | I was a Bitch

Title: I was a Bitch

Author: Emily Ruben

Genre: YA contemporary

Pages: 503 

Series: Stand alone

Publisher: Inkitt

Rating: 4 stars

What if you woke up having forgotten the last two years of your life?
After a horrific accident Lacey Jones has to try piece together her shattered past. With no memory of the previous two years she finds herself in a relationship with a man she doesn’t know, and with a reputation for being the Queen Bitch of High-School. 
She decides to keep the secret of her memory loss until she can figure out what happened in these two years she lost, trusting only the mysterious and sexy Finn to help her, but will she continue being that bitch or will she decide to rewrite her story?

Sometimes I find reviewing actually really difficult. Some books I am sent are admittedly really hard to get into and some I even struggle to get to the end. However, this was probably one of the easiest books I've ever had to read and review, just because I was completely and utterly hooked from the moment I unboxed it.

I think many people would underestimate this book for its cover and title being seemingly very orientated towards teenage girls. However, it has a lot more waiting inside - 500 pages more in fact. Despite its length reading this book didn't seem like a mammoth job in the slightest, which I think shows how good it is. For me I was grabbed by the title as it's short and snappy and the word 'bitch' certainly grabs ones' attention! (This might of course be because I am a teenage girl)

Something I really enjoyed whilst reading was the writing style. It was very chatty and informal, which really suited the book and was engaging as it made you feel like Lacey was a friend and therefore more real. I especially loved how Lacey expresses the feeling of 'fangirling' and her excited outbursts because not only is this something I think many people can relate to (particularly teenage girls) but I found my excitement was reflected by Lacey's thoughts and vice versa.

The plot was fast paced and got me completely hooked. There were a few mysteries tied into the main plot that threaded in really well and although a few outcomes were slightly predictable, there was enough to keep you guessing. There were a few scenes I felt were not needed and dragged the book out a bit. It was almost as if there was so much to write about all the characters, memories and emotions it sometimes became a little repetitive. That being said, I wanted to keep reading so badly any extra information I could cram in about the characters was pretty welcome, so this didn't pose too big a problem.

The characters were really good mainly because they were so accurate to what (sadly in many cases) teens are like. Finn was perfect. He had just enough vulnerability and sadness in his life to make him real and relatable, yet he still managed to be a character one could really aspire to be because of his attitude towards others and his utter perfectness. (Sorry, I'm obsessed). I also thought Lacey was a tremendously relatable and funny character. I found myself laughing along with her, sympathising with her and wanting to be her to an extent. At times I found her slightly annoying...that being said I think that is the desired effect as it helps show that she's just a normal teen in many ways trying to find who she is and maybe the part of her I didn't like as much shone through to remind the reader at times she must feel like two different people in her situation.

The reason I didn't give this review 5 stars was because although I am a total sucker for romance and I found myself internally squealing at some of the sweet things that happened, I also had a few moments where I almost inwardly groaned at the cheesiness. A dash of cheesiness is fine, but sometimes the romance I thought was too intense for teenagers. However, this could be a poor judgement seeing as this review is coming from a teenager who is very critical of any romance that is non-fictional, in a setting where romance and chivalry is just about dead.

The morals of the story were fantastic. They send a really good message to teenagers, especially younger ones that you should be who you want to be and never bow to the gigantic pressures telling you otherwise. It's also never too late to turn the tables. I think it is a book everyone can take something from, whether you were a bitch, are a bitch or will never be one.

Happy reading,

Hebe x

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

About me now

Hello all!

Yes, I do realise this blog post title sounds worryingly like a 'sugar babes' hit...but don't you worry there will be no singing, naughties hairstyles or shimmery mini skirts! (Some small part of me is actually slightly disappointed at this notion)
I digress...

Basically, what brought this about is recently I've been going through the terrifying process of applying to university and thus writing my personal statement. In which I have included: 'I have written a blog since I was 14'.

Then it hit me...wait...14!?

Surely it hasn't been 3 years? To confirm my utter horror at reaching near adulthood I checked out my first blog post and realised that yes rather tragically14 year old me and 17 year old me are pretty much one and the same...however, there have been some notable changes to who I am and what my ambitions are.

Although there is an evident need to update my 'about me' page so people can actually know roughly what the person behind all these god-awful reviews is now like, I don't want to get rid of my original 'about me' section. After all, that Hebe was the one who started all this and thought it all up so I guess she deserves a mention.

I feel like growing up and changing who you are is something that needs to be documented. Even though it happens to everyone in pretty much the same way, it's an experience in life that is somehow very unique. As awkward and squirmy as this is, I want to be able to look back at my blogging experience and say 'wow...look how far I've come'. I want to be able to adapt and change my plans and hopes and dreams and notice they've been achieved or made more achievable. I want to be able to show myself and all my readers who I've become and then I feel I and you all can decide if that's someone worth listening to.

So here we are...gushy bit over sorry felt a little inspired!

Who am I now?

Well, to start my name is unsurprisingly still Hebe and this blog is still all about books. However instead of just reviewing I am now: recommending, hosting authors and giving advice to a much larger audience on lots of different social media sites. I'm now proud to say that no my blog isn't big or famous but it has a base and has expanded into more than I ever could have dreamed of.

I am now also receiving A LOT more review requests, which is humbling, flattering and also overwhelming. There have admittedly been times where blogging hasn't been the stress relief I first envisioned and desired and I still have so many reviews embarrassingly overdue, but fundamentally I still love what I do and blogging is still my escape.

Blogging was at first a bit of a step away from my everyday life, however, like all secrets eventually people were going to find out. 14 year old me would've died at the embarrassment of anyone at school finding this blog and shock horror maybe even reading it. But, as I've come to realise upon its discovery everyone I care about supports me and everyone who I don't doesn't care. I love what I do, so to hell what anyone else thinks frankly.

I'm still keeping my diary, however, still sporadically and I still do forget to write the most important things down. Being an author and actress are still my dreams but it is the saving the world part that has become the most prevalent of my ambitions. I've decided to study Geography at university and one day I want to work in the environmental sector in the UN. Seems impossible but why not dream big? It seems so far not many things about me has changed and you're all probably yawning or switching tabs at this point but hold tight...the part where I'm different is coming I promise!

The teenage years are similar to babyhood in the way that you learn so many new things and have so many little adventures in a very contained amount of time: I've made new friends, learnt new lessons and gone to new places. I've played sport, acted, danced, sung. I've had first kisses, let loose, been stressed, panicked, made mistakes. I've liked a few boys; some too much, some not enough. I've laughed and cried (sometimes both at the same time). I've been surrounded by people and felt desperately lonely (again sometimes at the same time). I've been nervous but brave and I've worked hard and admittedly drank wayyyyy too much tea (that took an innocent turn some of you probably weren't expecting!). As you can see my experience as a teenager so far has been fairly normal and seemingly very boring. All these things seem minute but at the time and in the moment they were huge and they've all made me the me I am now.

Where I think I've changed the most is that I am more open to myself and others about what I want out of life and what my passions are. I tell people where I want to go, what my dreams are and who I want to be without hesitation now.

Not because I'm super confident or because I know exactly what the future holds. Not because I know what I 100% want out of life, but because I've taken it upon myself to not be that person who always hides behind piles of books and can only express herself through a keyboard (of the computer variety...piano keyboards and me are not the best of friends).

Expressing your interests in something you love is a bold move, especially if you have very different interests to the people you are showing them to. But at the end of the day, I figured surely its better for someone to know your interests and love you for them than for nobody to really know who you are?

By letting the people I care about see the real me is my way of showing them that I really want them in my life. They're as important to me as the thing I am telling them, which is a real complement. That's not to say I don't let anyone but my nearest and dearest see who I am. If you love something or someone why not shout about it? (obviously in the right context...there is a time and a place after all!) Why not let people see that there is a lot more to you than they choose to see? You're only as 'boring' as you let yourself to be.

So to round this all I don't know what I really really want from life, yes I'm still finding my place and getting things wrong and being a stroppy teenager. And yes often I do hide behind both piles of books and a computer screen (it's easy when you're still 5 ft 2"- yet another thing that hasn't changed) But I'm getting there...and so far. I haven't regretted a thing.

happy reading,

Hebe x

Saturday, 20 August 2016

She does Twitter now too!!

Hello all!

I know it has been an achingly long time since I've posted a book review (especially for all the wonderful authors whose books I am supposedly reviewing...sincerest apologies!) and I can assure you I am slowly but steadily working my way through the huge mountain that is my review pile. it seems that, as in many aspects of my life, I have maybe bitten off a tad more than I can chew and so will be making adjustments to the style of my blogging/reading/reviewing! Anyhow, more of that another time!

What this post is really about is that I have joined Twitter!!! For those of you who haven't already given up on this post...this may have been the push you needed to click off this tab. However, For those of you who are still here I applaud your stamina and endurance and hope you might give me a chance and check out my twitter in the link I will (as always) make blindingly obvious.

What can I say...I stick to my word.

Because I am gloriously untechy and computers and the like seem to reel away and break at my touch, I am yet to put the twitter icon in my social media bar...which may seem like the logical option! Trust me, I'm working on it!

Here you will be able to keep more up-to-date on my reading, life in general and further promotions of any books I review or authors who feature on my blog! As an added bonus you also gain access to my almost ironic tweets for the day ( least I think I'm hilarious). So if for some reason you wish to hear more from me and my catastrophe of a well as some cool booky type things then give me a follow and I will most probably give you a follow back!

Happy reading,

Hebe x

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Guest Post | Author Julia Copus

The wonderful world of Harry & Lil!

 I’d like to say a big thanks to Hebe for inviting me to tell you about the Harry & Lil series of picture books. If there are any little people in your life between the ages of one and five – of if you just happen to have a passion for picture books – this one’s for you!
Children’s books are sometimes seen as the poor relations of other, supposedly more important forms of writing. But I believe that books written for young children are among the most important of all: get children hooked early and they are likely to remain readers for life – and being a reader brings with it all kinds of benefits. By the time I started writing for children, I had been publishing adult poetry for many years (one of my poems is currently on the EdExcel A’ Level English syllabus) and I’m sometimes asked what made me turn to writing for a younger age group. One, simple answer is that – like most authors – I write the sort of thing I have most enjoyed reading.  
I have very clear memories of my own picture book favourites from childhood – and I remember, too, that special feeling of being read to as I fell asleep or sat snuggled on my parents’ or grandparents’ laps; there’s no feeling quite like it. I can still hear the soothing rumble of my father’s voice as I lay an ear to his chest and settled into the story. The books I asked to hear over and over included The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Go, Dog, Go!, Where The Wild Things Are, Harry the Dirty Dog and Do you like My Hat?
This last is by the incomparable Dr. Seuss, author of the more famous The Cat in the Hat – a story so enduring that it was made into a live action film in 2003. Do you like My Hat? was unusual for a Dr. Seuss book, in that it didn’t rhyme. But I had other Seuss books too, and what I loved most about those was the sound of the words – the bouncy rhythm, and playful rhymes that tripped off the tongue – as in this snapshot from Horton Hears A Who!:
Then Horton stopped walking.
The speck-voice was talking!
The voice was so faint he could just barely hear it.
“Speak up, please” said Horton. He put his ear near it.
When I came to write my own children’s books, it never occurred to me to write without rhyme. Rhymes are very reassuring for children: the steady beat and chime of the words fixes the text in their memories, and it also encourages them to predict what comes next (as in ‘When Lil and her friends at last appeared / all the animals clapped and —.) The confidence instilled by guessing the right word in this way can make the reading experience a whole lot easier when children move on to reading by themselves.
But rhyme is nothing without a good story, with characters that the children can relate to and engage with. The Harry & Lil books are based around two central characters. Candy Stripe Lil is a fearless little shrew who is resourceful, quick on her feet and happens to like to wear candy stripes. Her best friend is the lovable Harry the Hog; Harry likes to party, is loyal, fun-loving and very fond of sleeping! Together, the pair get up to all sorts of adventures at home on Piggyback Hill. In Hog in the Fog, Lil ventures out into the swirling fog to search for Harry when he fails to turn up for his tea. In The Hog, the Shrew and the Hullabaloo, the two set about investigating the strange noise that is stopping Harry from sleeping. And in The Shrew that Flew, Harry looks on anxiously as Lil draws on all her powers of inventiveness to work out a way to fly up to the rooftop and rescue her favourite hat – just in time to wear it to Badger’s birthday tea! Each book contains a small twist or element of surprise – an essential ingredient for keeping children interested through to the end.
To see a free preview of The Shrew that Flew, please click here.
The illustrations for these books are by the prodigiously talented Eunyoung Seo, who is a joy to work with. As an author/illustrator partnership, we have received some wonderful feedback. Here’s a small selection:
Harry & Lil are eternally endearing. Eunyoung Seo’s delectable scenes, coupled with Julia Copus’ tongue-tingling rhyming text are guaranteed to bring joy to listeners and readers aloud, at every turn of the page. Spectacular! – Red Reading Hub
There are lots of rhyming picture books but very few that read aloud as beautifully as this one. Lil and Harry are an endearing partnership and this little story of try, try again is made even more appealing by Eunyoung Seo’s captivating illustrations, and that silvery rhyming text. – Lovereading4Kids
If this gem of a book from poet Julia Copus and illustrator Eunnyoung Seo is anything to go by, there is another partnership to rival Donaldson & Scheffler. They work with equal skill and apparent consummate ease to produce truly wonderful, memorable picture books. – Books For Keeps
I hope you’ll enjoy the Harry & Lil books as much as these reviewers have, and that your children will become part of their ever growing fan-base. All the current titles are available online from Amazon, WHSmith and Waterstones, as well as many independent sites, like the excellent Hive Books ( – and, of course, from any good high street bookshop!

Julia Copus is poet and children’s author. Both her adult poetry and children’s books are published by Faber & Faber.

Just to round off I wanted to say Thank you to Julia Copus for giving me the opportunity to host her and her wonderful work on my blog! I don't usually promote Children's books as my audience are mainly teens I believe, however, I hope you know someone (as I know I do) who would love the wonderful world of Harry & Lil!!

Happy reading,
Hebe x

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Guest Post | Author Erin Rhew

Thank you to Hebe and her readers for allowing me to come onto the blog today and engage in some "cheeky" self-promotion! WOOT! Oh, and stay tuned for a Rafflecopter giveaway-- a $50 Amazon gift card is up for grabs. Wut wut? Yep! 

So, why am I here? Well, my publisher decided to spotlight my trilogy, The Fulfillment Series, this month. AND at the same time, my husband's publisher decided to release his thriller novel, 122 Rules, in April as well. Since we couldn't pass up that opportunity to go on tour together, here we are!

About The Fulfillment Series

If you're a fan of fantasy--in the vein of Arthurian legend and Game of Thrones--then The Fulfillment Series is right for you! A young woman named Layla is proclaimed the Fulfillment of a long-awaited peace prophecy and whisked away by religious zealots to marry the son of her greatest enemy. Except...something happens along the way that changes everything. This series has a centuries' long war, epic battles, loathsome villains, complicated heroes, kick butt female characters, and love. A little bit of everything a fantasy should have. ;) I hope you'll join Layla, Wil, Nash, Samson, Vespa, Grant, and the others as they try to figure out their place in the world. 

About Erin Rhew

Who am I, besides a writer. ;) Well, I'm the Operations Manager at a small press, BookFish Books. I wear many hats and dabble in each facet of the business as well as managing the timeline and flow of projects. 

Simon, the BFB reading fish

On a conference call

I'm an athlete. For most of my life, I've played some sport or another. I grew up on a steady diet of soccer and volleyball but took to running later on. In fact, I love running so much, I became a running coach! 

My team for the Ninja race!

I'm an adventurer. I love going to new places and trying new things!


I'm a friend and a HUGE believe in strong female friendships. You'll see that theme in my series. Girlfriends foreva! 

Female friendships ROCK!

I'm a family person. I'm Southern, and my whole family lives in the same state and gets together a lot. Since I moved to the Pacific Northwest, I haven't seen my family as much as I'm used to, and that's been a difficult adjustment.

My PaPa (Grandpa). He calls me his "Babydoll."

One of my favorite pictures of me with my parents (I have a brother not pictured).

I'm a MAJOR goofball. I love having fun and try not to take life too seriously. I mean, I'll hunker down when necessary, but overall, I like to have a good time with my husband, family, and friends!

Clowning around in Target with my husband!

And I'm the wife of the best, most amazing man ever put on this earth. I could not ask for a better partner in all things--even writing! Yes, we're BOTH writers! Get this...we MET on Twitter because of writing. Yep! If you want to listen to the podcast of our story, check it out on MindSoak. My husband fills my life with a joy I can't describe, and I'm beyond honored and blessed to be his wife!

Isn't he ROMANTIC??

So there you have it. ;) Now, let's talk books and prizes! 

Deek and Erin-- Join our street team: Rhewination! ;) 

The Prophecy (Fulfillment Series Book 1)

Title: The Prophecy
Author: Erin Rhew
Publisher: BookFish Books
Cover Design: Anita at Race-Point
Available Now! Amazon Buy Link 


Growing up on a small farm in the kingdom of Vanguard, seventeen-year-old Layla Givens lives a deceptively tranquil existence. But her carefully constructed life quickly falls apart when she's abducted by a religious zealot who proclaims her The Fulfillment of an ancient peace prophecy and whisks her away to marry her greatest enemy.

Wilhelm, Prince of the Ethereals, is reluctant to meet his new bride. He's grown up believing Vanguards are evil, an enemy to fight and fear...not love. Can he set aside his prejudices and work alongside Layla to bring lasting peace after centuries of war? 

Nash, a loner who has never fit in, carries a huge secret, one big enough to destroy both kingdoms. When he accidently meets Layla, he's no longer content to live in the shadows, but he must resist his growing attraction--for her safety and for the longevity of the two kingdoms. 

When Nash's secret is revealed, a firestorm sweeps through both realms, with Layla at the center. Now she must choose between duty and desire while the fate of two nations hangs in the balance.

The Outlanders (Fulfillment Series Book 2) 

Title: The Outlanders
Author: Erin Rhew
Publisher: BookFish Books
Cover Design: Anita at Race-Point
Available Now! Amazon Buy Link 

The Fulfillment (Fulfillment Series Book 3)

Title: The Fulfillment
Author: Erin Rhew
Publisher: BookFish Books
Cover Design: Anita at Race-Point
Available Now! Amazon Buy Link 

About Erin Rhew

Erin Rhew

Erin Rhew is an editor, a running coach, and the author of The Fulfillment Series. Since she picked up Morris the Moose Goes to School at age four, she has been infatuated with the written
word. She went on to work as a grammar and writing tutor in college and is still teased by her family and friends for being a member of the "Grammar Police."

A Southern girl by blood and birth, Erin now lives in a rainy pocket of the Pacific Northwest with the amazingly talented (and totally handsome) writer Deek Rhew and their “overly fluffy,” patient-as-a-saint writing assistant, a tabby cat named Trinity. She and Deek enjoy reading aloud to one another, running, lifting, boxing, eating chocolate, and writing side-by- side.

Connect with Erin Online!

For the latest and greatest, visit her web page:

About Deek Rhew

Deek Rhew
Deek lives in a rainy pocket in the Pacific Northwest with the stunning YA author bride, Erin Rhew, and their writing assistant, a fat tabby named Trinity. They enjoy lingering in the mornings, and often late into the night, caught up Erin’s fantastic fantasy worlds of noble princes and knights and entwined in Deek’s dark underworld of the FBI and drug lords.

He and Erin love to share books by reading aloud to one another. In addition, they enjoy spending time with friends, running, boxing, lifting weights, and exploring the little town--with antique shops and bakeries--they call home.

Connect with Deek Online!

For the latest and greatest, visit his web page:

Find Deek's Novels Online!

Rafflecopter Giveaway

Want a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card?

So as promised on my last is a wonderful Guest Post from the gorgeous Erin Rhew, who's husband Deek has already graced your screens with his rendition earlier this month. Not only are they a pretty fabulous pair (as you can see from all the above) ,but their books look pretty darn awesome too... so please PLEASE go give them a go and be sure to give them a cheeky follow on their various social media pages and do not pass up on their awesome giveaway!!
Happy Reading,
Hebe x

Monday, 11 April 2016

Guest Post | Author Deek Rhew

I was fortunate enough to be invited to guest post on Hebe's blog. What does she suggest I post about on an her awesomely-named blog, No Twerking Here Please? She suggested a cheeky self promotion! :-)

Wut the wut? I'm totally up to that task!

As Toby Keith says in his song, today we are talking about...ME! Woop!

It is possible that I see myself playing many characters. In this instance, Sam Bradford from the book, 122 Rules.

Deek as Sam Bradford

What about the guy that always wanted to fly? Well, guess who's learned how!
Deek as Superman

Then there was the time that I had to go on a mission...
Deek on a Mission

And the time that I got a call in the middle of the night to fill in for an astronaut...
Deek in Space

Then there was the time that I went on tour...
Deek the Rock Star

But really, where is a superhero without a beautiful woman? Deek's got that too! Introducing the stunning, Erin Rhew!

Hubba! Hubba!

But behind that beautiful smile and bright blue eyes is a cunning warrior.
I give you her secret hero name: Ninja Girl!

Fierce and courageous, she's as at home whacking a punching bag as she is a passive voice passage!

Together, we are the Rhews with 'tude!
The Rhews with 'tude

We will, we will, ROCK YOU!!!

Rhew 2 Rhew Blog Tour - 122 Rules Book Blitz Extravaganza!

How's that for a catchy title? What a crazy adventure this has been FIVE years in the making, and it has finally arrive: 122 Rules has been born unto the world. The stories I could tell just so I could tell you this story...well, let's just say it's been an interesting, educational, and life-altering adventure.

Who could resist those stunning blues?
This has been a grand journey, filled with hardships, fun, learning, and growth. But of all the things that have happened on the writing road, meeting the love of my life is the most unlikely and easily the luckiest, most blessed things to have ever happened to me.
Ahhhh! It's cold out here!
Do ya feel lucky punk? Well, do ya?

Erin Rhew and I started out as critique partners, became friends, and now she's my bride. She's my best friend and partner in all things. Even if I don't sell a single copy of my writings, I'll always be a smashing success because I met Erin.

Book Blitz

On this half of the Rhewination tour, I am visiting blogs all over the globe, from Australia to the farthest corners in Canada. Next week, on the second half of the tour, Erin will be gracing the pages of 50+ bloggers!

In addition, we are giving away a $50 Amazon gift card! Prepare yourselves to win!

122 Rules

Today, we are announcing my adult thriller novel, 122 Rules


In his black and white world, Sam Bradford--former Marine turned government assassin--finally sees a speck of grey. He has always followed orders without question, but his latest assignment threatens to disrupt the precision of his universe and may either severe or redeem his last remaining sliver of humanity.

Using his mastery of the 122 Rules of Psychology, Sam hunts down everyone The Agency sends him to find and eliminates them. Just as he has his rifle scope focused on his latest victim, Monica Sable, a SoCal girl entangled with the mob, his long-dormant conscience reappears for a final last ditch effort to save the sinking ship of Sam’s soul. He’s killed innocents before, but tarries on pulling the trigger this time.

When Monica escapes his crosshairs and fumbles her way across the country in a pathetic attempt to elude capture, Sam gives chase. But he’s not the only one after her. Ruthless henchmen, hired by the mob, froth like bloodhounds and nip at Monica’s heels. Now Sam is faced with a choice: turn his back on the rules and jeopardize his way of life by helping her or join the pack and rip her to shreds.

What are readers saying?

122 Rules is a fast-paced thrill-ride, filled with rich characters living in an expertly woven world of mystery and suspense. Deek Rhew’s debut novel will take readers by storm, and keep them coming back for sequels.

​~Michelle K. Pickett, Bestselling and award-winning author of PODs and Unspeakable.

The perfect, fast-paced novel for fans of kick-butt heroines, creepy killers, and getting caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. An absolute must-read!

Visit Amazon and Goodreads!

While you're on Deek's site check out Birth of an American Gigolo.
An old party girl shoehorned into domestic divaship, infuriated by her husband's cheating and his holier-than-thou, tree-hugging, no-tits and no-hips girlfriend, inflicts her wrath by training a local boy in the fine art of seduction. She and her new boy toy turned love god start a gigolo business as a distraction for the neglected and mistreated housewives of Alabaster Cove.

Take a selfie with your ebook or paper copy of Birth and post it on social media with the tag #BirthSelfie. We'll post you on the Rhewination web site!

Deek Rhew
Deek Rhew
Deek lives in a rainy pocket in the Pacific Northwest with the stunning YA author bride, Erin Rhew, and their writing assistant, a fat tabby named Trinity. They enjoy lingering in the mornings, and often late into the night, caught up Erin’s fantastic fantasy worlds of noble princes and knights and entwined in Deek’s dark underworld of the FBI and drug lords.

He and Erin love to share books by reading aloud to one another. In addition, they enjoy spending time with friends, running, boxing, lifting weights, and exploring the little town--with antique shops and bakeries--they call home.

Connect with Deek!

For the latest and greatest, visit his web page:

Next week be on the lookout for Erin's:
The Fulfillment Series Blitz Extravaganza!

Erin Rhew's book that started it all, The Prophecy!

Erin Rhew's The Fulfillment
Erin Rhew's The Outlanders

Erin Rhew

Erin Rhew
Erin Rhew is an editor, a running coach, and the author of The Fulfillment Series. Since she picked up Morris the Moose Goes to School at age four, she has been infatuated with the written
word. She went on to work as a grammar and writing tutor in college and is still teased by her family and friends for being a member of the "Grammar Police."

A Southern girl by blood and birth, Erin now lives in a rainy pocket of the Pacific Northwest with the amazingly talented (and totally handsome) writer Deek Rhew and their “overly fluffy,” patient-as-a-saint writing assistant, a tabby cat named Trinity. She and Deek enjoy reading aloud to one another, running, lifting, boxing, eating chocolate, and writing side-by-side.

For the latest and greatest, visit her web page:

Are you ready to win?!!! Enter the Rhewination, Rhews on Tour Giveaway!


Authors, do you think the artwork for The Prophecy, The Outlanders, The Fulfillment, Birth of an American Gigolo, and 122 Rules is as stunning as we do? Visit to find out how you can get the amazing Anita to work on your book as well!

Just a quick side note from me, Hebe, to finish off... can we all just take a second to appreciate what is possibly the best guest feature I have ever had the pleasure of posting! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did and snorted copious amounts of tea through laughter as I also managed to do...I implore all of you to check out Deek and his lovely wife Erin (as well as their equally awesome books), who will be featuring yet again in a later guest post to come :)
Happy Reading,
Hebe x